Ecology of High Altitude Waters

EcologyHighAltitudeWatersDean Jacobsen and Olivier Dangles
Oxford University Press


High-altitude waters have not been studied as thoroughly or as frequently as other wetland areas. They are commonly in areas that are hard to reach or are difficult to study in due to inclement weather limiting accessibility to the wetland areas themselves. Or, in the case of glaciers or frozen lakes, it is simply very hard to see what, if any, biological processes are taking place within or beneath the ice.

The authors decided to produce this book to address the dearth of literature on these ecosystems and, they hope, to inspire more ecologists and biologists to study these high-altitude habitats.

The book starts with details of the climate and geology in the regions they investigated. Living conditions and known species present are described, with a summary of current knowledge of these habitats. Later chapters discuss and highlight the importance of these high-altitude and, in many cases, fragile and climate-sensitive areas. The authors feature areas of potential research for biologists interested in learning more and potentially studying high-altitude water ecology or biology. Biodiversity, water flow and natural carbon storage mechanisms are highlighted.

The authors make recommendations for policymakers and emphasise the need for wider education and responsible management of these areas. It is well referenced and makes an interesting, thought-provoking and well-informed read.

Dr Amanda Hardy MRSB