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A recent meeting in Berlin between Dr Mark Downs CSci FRSB, chief executive of the Royal Society of Biology and Professor Bernd Mueller-Roeber, President of the German Life Science Association (VBIO) addressed a wide range of issues relevant to the biosciences in Germany and the UK.

Concerning the UK vote to leave the EU, there was strong agreement on the importance of continued collaboration in research and innovation between UK and Germany.

In a joint statement they commented:
"For many years UK and German scientists have demonstrated their excellence in research and their success in securing EU funding, achieving great things in collaboration. We urge our scientists to continue in this spirit and to work to achieve the best means of collaboration, as well as sharing the benefits of work experience across our communities."

"We hope that scientists will continue to seek joint funding from the EU and elsewhere to pursue their research and seek new opportunities. New international science agreements and mechanisms will be needed as the UK exits the EU, these should aim to support collaborative working; put in place access to funding; and enable movement of students and researchers."

"Continued movement of students and researchers is essential for the collaborative progress of science. Regulatory standards that facilitate joint working will be essential also. In these ways we can help to ensure that science will progress to achieve the best outcomes for society.” 

The RSB and VBIO will continue to communicate and discuss the environment for bioscience as the UK’s exit from the EU proceeds.

Read the statement in German on the VBIO website.