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The Natural Capital Initiative will be hosting its second Valuing our Life Support Systems natural capital summit on 6th & 7th November 2014, hosted by the British Library.

'Natural capital' is an increasingly popular metaphor for the features of the natural environment that underpin society, the economy and wellbeing. The concept of natural capital is attractive to business and government alike. It puts the natural environment on an equal footing to financial, manufactured, human and social capital.

Since the launch of the Natural Capital Initiative in 2009, a number of influential activities have emerged across all sectors within the natural capital space – from networks to research programmes, committees to coalitions.

Five years on, we will once again bring together influencers from across academia, policy, business, and civil society within this expanded community and beyond to assess gains made and further enable the valuing of natural capital in planning and decision-making based on sound science.

Duncan Wingham (NERC), Georgina Mace (UCL), Peter Young (Aldersgate Group), Inder Poonaji (Nestle), David Pencheon (NHS), Sari Kovats (LSHTM), Camilla Toulmin (IIED), Andrew Clark (NFU), Bill Sutherland (University of Cambridge), Will Evison (PwC), Anthony Kessel (Public Health England), Jo Pike (Scottish Wildlife Trust), and many others will discuss natural capital and health, accounting, ethics, investing, cities, corporate stewardship, food security, conservation, culture, mapping and more.

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