Biology Changing the World

Royal Society of Biology Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021

Three Year Plan Banner Three Year Plan Banner - Small

Making it work

The number of grants, events, professional registers and training courses we offer is set to increase over the next three years – providing support to the entire breadth of our membership, from students to professional and retired biologists, and boosting the impact of our work.

These plans will be financed through an increasing diversification of income and membership growth of at least 3,000 individual members. Building on developments over the past three years, income is anticipated to grow in each of the next three years.

There will be some important one-off costs, including the development of a new website, which will help improve access to our resources and services, and our move to a new headquarters in central London with improved facilities for visiting members.

Membership growth

The Society will also support the delivery of a year-long celebration of our 10th anniversary and the 40th anniversary of the award of our Royal Charter with a new dedicated member of staff to ensure a coherent and impactful programme of activity.

Regional branches and other volunteer-led groups and committees remain an essential part of the Society’s infrastructure, working in partnership with a full-time professional workforce of up to 40 staff during the period of the plan. The sale of our current office buildings, of which the Society is a co-owner, will provide new investment capital that will allow a modest annual income to further support the work of the Society.

Our boards and committees 
The Society’s Board of Trustees (Council) are supported in their work by governance committees such as the Finance and Audit committee, with strategy delivered through the Membership and Professional Affairs (MPA) and Education and Science Policy (ESP) committees. All the Society’s committees and special interest groups will proactively support our equality, diversity and inclusion agenda.

Our partners and supporters
Our Membership Organisations are essential to our work. We would like to thank all of our strategic partners, key funders and other supporting organisations for their continued support.

Strategic Partners

Related Links 

RSB strategic partners group

Full list of RSB Membership Organisations and supporters 

Key RSB partnerships

External Membership Services

RSB Three Year Plan 2015-2018

Ways you can support the RSB


Making it work

The finance, infrastructure, and strategic partners behind our latest business plan. 

Biosciences for all

The RSB is committed to promoting inclusive, accessible and diverse participation in the life sciences. Read more about our work in this area.