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1. James Borrell: Eight reasons why zoos are good for conservation
The shooting of a gorilla earlier this year reignited the debate about whether animals should be kept in captivity, but we must remember the essential work that good zoos do The Biologist 63(5) p9 This ...
Created on 28 September 2016
2. A World of Adventure
James Borrell and Craig Turner on how to get the most out of biological expeditions The Biologist Vol 61(6) p20-23 Biological expeditions have a long and varied history. Charles Darwin was a 22 year ...
Created on 09 December 2014
3. 10 Great Citizen Science Projects
The Biologist Vol 60(3) p24-27 The only thing more astounding than the popularity of citizen science is the variety of projects available to participants. James Borrell, a conservationist promoting 2013 ...
Created on 08 July 2013