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The Southeast Asia branch Annual General Meeting will be held on 25th September from 19:00 to 21:00 ICT (13:00-15:00 BST) via Zoom.
The Southeast Asia branch 2nd AGM since the launching in January 2023, This AGM will welcome more RSB members in the region to join and to expand networking. It will also serve as a platform for RSB members in the region to be involved in biology related event for expanding knowledge, and to meeting with peers in the study in biology.
Chaired by Dr Alexander Waller CBiol FRSB, an agenda for the meeting is available to download. Visit the branch webpage to read more about the branch committee members. Please send any additional agenda items to southeastasia@rsb.org.uk by 11th September.
Following the AGM, guests will hear from speaker Terry Morgan MRSB (Thailand) on “A Biologist in Business”.