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Northern Ireland banner

Welcome to the regional pages for Northern Ireland. Full details of national and local events are available on our events pages.

Upcoming branch events

Tuesday 12 November, Antrim

Digital health and care in Northern Ireland

Join branch members for a lecture by Daniel Holmes and Q&A

Past branch events

Visit the reports section to find out about past events the branch have run.

Social media

Visit the Northern Ireland branch Facebook page, Twitter feed and Instagram page for more branch news.

Our members

Visit the branch demographics to see the numbers and locations of our members (Dated January 2023).


Chair: Dr Patrick Dunlop CBiol MRSB
Vice Chair: Dr Qiaozhu Su FRSB
Secretary: Dr Tim Skvortsov MRSB
Treasurer: Dr Richard Briggs CBiol FRSB

Members: Professor Louise Cosby FRSB, Dr Glenn Dickson FRSB, Dr Paul Matthews CBiol CSci FRSB, Professor Neville McClenaghan FRSB, Dr Colin McClure MRSB, Diana Senovilla Herrero AMRSB, Jiaqi Zhou, Professor Katrina Campbell FRSB, Dr Omololu Fagunwa CBiol MRSB.


Please get in touch by emailing us at