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Higher Education

Some fantastic resources to support lecturers and students in higher education

Useful websites & groups

Lecturers can use our higher education website which hosts free resources for academic teaching. They can also search for external examiners using our database.

Our special interest group the Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS) support the higher education community. HUBS are a source of information and comment for policy work relating to higher education. HUBS run workshops and meetings for the higher education bioscience community covering teaching and research issues which can be attended by members and non-members.

Information about careers

We offer careers resources to support students including booklets with information about choosing degree courses; and information is available about courses which have received accreditation and advanced accreditation through the Royal Society of Biology. We also have information on possible next steps after a bioscience degree.

Keep up to date

Find out about news, events and resources through our monthly Higher Education newsletter useful for academics and students, sign up through mySociety. Our Journal for Biological Education covers policy and curriculum developments, bringing you the latest results of research into the teaching, learning and assessment of biology. If you conduct education research you may be interested in joining our Biology Education Research Group (BERG).

Get involved

Lecturers, academics and students have access to our training courses. Resources from past training events are available to download.

Awards & CPD

Be recognised for your teaching excellence with the higher education bioscience teacher of the year award. We offer CPD for HE educators and you can apply for Chartered Science Teacher Status.

Exceptional students are also recognised with our top student of the year awards.

Looking for something else...

If you are looking for further support check out our primary schools, secondary schools, outreach and get involved pages.