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President's Medal

The President’s Medal is awarded to those individuals who have supported the Royal Society of Biology in an exceptional way, going above and beyond the normal volunteer role and having a significant impact on the organisation and the sector as a whole.

Who is eligible

The award is open to all members of the Society in recognition of a significant contribution to the Society, which can be over a long period of time or for a sustained and intensive short period.

Nominations are accepted from individuals, Member Organisations, special interest groups and branches of the Society and should include the following:

  • Name of nominated individual
  • Details of nominating group
  • Details about past and current roles/functions for the Society
  • A formal citation that will be read at the awards event if the nominee is successful

How to nominate

Please download and read the full instructions for the nomination process. Completed nomination forms should be submitted to Jennifer Crosk. Please note you cannot nominate yourself.

Nominations are accepted throughout the year. However, if you wish your nominee to be presented with the Medal at the 2025 round of awards during Biology Week, you must submit your nomination by Sunday 10th August 2025.

Past recipients of the Medal

  • Professor Richard Reece CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Ray Gibson CBiol FRSB
  • Mr Eric Greenwood CBiol FRSB
  • Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow CBiol FRSB
  • Ms Ann Fullick CBiol FRSB
  • Professor Dominic Wells FRSB
  • Dr John Grainger CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Elizabeth Lakin CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Jonathan David CBiol FRSB
  • Mr Keith Lawrey
  • Dr Dai Roberts FRSB
  • Mr Ian Harvey FRSB
  • Ms Sue Thorn FRSB
  • Mr Alan Johnston CBiol FRSB
  • Dr David Slingsby CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Alan Bedford CBiol MRSB
  • Mrs Veronica Smith CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Roger Lock CBiol FRSB
  • Professor David Coates CBiol FRSB
  • Professor Clive Page FRSB
  • Dr Ruth Bastow MRSB
  • Professor Donald Lee
  • Dr William Marshall CBiol FRSB
  • Mr Kenneth Allen CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Jack Chernin CBiol FRSB
  • Mr Michael Clapham CBiol FRSB
  • Miss Christine Fry MRSB
  • Mr Laurence North CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Glenn Dickson CBiol FRSB
  • Mrs Shirly Greatrex CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Edward Munn CBiol FRSB
  • Mr Mike Sanderson CBiol MRSB
  • Dr Mike Smith CBiol MRSB
  • Mrs Muriel Woodward CBiol FRSB
  • Mr William Berry Woodward CBiol FRSB
  • Mrs Norma Broadbridge CBiol FRSB
  • Miss Jean Wilson CBiol FRSB
  • Mr Brian Stephens CBiol MRSB
  • Miss Margaret Cook CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Paul Boreland CBiol FRSB
  • Dr Graham Godfrey CBiol FRSB