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The theme for photography competition in 2022 was Communication. The Society would like to congratulate the winners and shortlisted photographers, who were announced during Biology Week 2022.

In the press

Images from the competition were covered in a number of news outlets including Labmate.

Photographer of the Year: Winnergrebe

Talks at dawn by Agnieszka Florczyk

Taken: Barycz Valley, Poland

Agnieszka took this photo at dawn on an overgrown pond in the Barycz valley, where grebes communicate vividly with each other by tooting, dancing and offering gifts in the form of aquatic plants.


Photographer of the Year: Runner upchimp

Morning call by Adrian Soldati

Taken: Budongo, Uganda

Adrian captured this image of the alpha male of a wild chimpanzee community who is producing a long distance vocalisation early in the morning to coordinate movements with the other group members that are scattered in the forest and out-of-sight.

Photographer of the Year: Highly commendedpolar bears

Dominance fight on the ice by Ian Stone

Taken: Churchill National Park, Canada

Ian captured this photo of two male polar bears 'sparring' on the ice on the edge of Hudson Bay, Churchill, Canada. As the Bay freezes over, the bears wait for total sea freeze and giving the opportunity for the male bears to show others that they are the most powerful in the area.

Photographer of the Year: Shortlistedalbatross

Loneliness in Yorkshire by Maciej Wontorowski

Taken: Bempton Cliffs, East Yorkshire, England

The photograph shows a Black-Browed Albatross amongst Northern Gannets - a very unusual sight in Great Britain. Maciej captured the moment when the albatross tried to interact with the gannet bird colony at Bempton Cliffs.


Montane egg-eater by Robin James Backhouse

Taken: Nairobi, Kenya

Robin took this photo on the outskirts of Nairobi in Kenya, where this Montane Egg-Eater snake is displaying its rather unique combination of defence strategies. Despite this, it is in fact a completely harmless species which exclusively eats eggs and therefore has no actual defences.


Dominant male wolf by Ian Stone

Taken: Montana, USA

Ian captured this photo of three wolves running in the snow for fun in Montana, USA. The interaction also shows the dominance of the alpha male, often showing aggression to subdue the subordinates, as he is the one that has to win.


Everlasting love by Polwatta Siriyalage Chamara Sulakkhana

Taken: Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka

Polwatta snapped this image in Sri Lanka of long-jawed Orbweavers that interlock their jaws when mating, which creates a frame of four jaws. The jaws of these species are extra-long, which allow the male and female to grip each other’s jaws during mating.

Young Photographer of the Year: WinnerPC08 Puffins Billing on Skomer George Lanstone Futcher 662 510

George Lanstone-Futcher: Puffins billing on Skomer

Taken: Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka

George snapped this photo of these two Puffins, captured in the early evening on The Wick on Skomer Island. They are engaged in Billing, a part of their mating and courtship ritual.

Young Photographer of the Year: Runner upPC09 Sun Bathed Brahminy Anushree Parihar 680 510

Anushree Parihar: Sun-bathed Brahminy    

Taken: Hadwani, Uttarkhand, India    

Anushree took this photo in India of this couple of Brahminy starlings enjoying the first rays of sun and communicating with one another.

Young Photographer of the Year: Highly commendedotter

Rosie Curry: The comfort of otters

Taken: Maidenhead, UK

Rosie discovered two otters finding joy in hugging each other, capturing the moment where they show each other that they are comfortable and happy to be together.


Special thanks to judges

Alice Campain, CABI
Tim Harris,  Nature Picture Library and Bluegreen Pictures
Tom Hartman, The University of Nottingham
Alex Hyde, Freelance natural history photographer
Linda Pitkin, underwater photographer