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If you're planning a Biology Week event, we've put together some quick hints and tips for making the most out of social media and getting the press interested.


Social media can really increase the reach of your event, whilst contacting local press can showcase your event to the local community before or after it takes place.

Contacting the press

Getting local news interested in your event is a great way of ensuring more people find out about your event and documenting it for others to read and enjoy. Before issuing a press invite or press release, do get in touch with the RSB press office for more advice, guidance, and final sign off.

Press invites

If you're running an event that you think press will be interested in attending on the day, consider drafting a press invite to send to local newspapers, radio stations and television channels ahead of time.

A press invite outlines what the event is and also what coverage opportunities are available. Make sure to include:

  • when and where the event is
  • any notable attendees or speakers
  • any notable content attendees or speakers may say
  • what photography and filming opportunities are available (make sure if children are in attendance you get permission from their parents first)
  • how to get in contact with the organisers if they want to attend

Download our template press invite if you need some more guidance.

Press releases

If you don't get any interest from journalists wanting to attend on the day, don't worry, you can always issue a press release following the event with media suitable for outlets to use. This is very similar to a press invite, but make sure to include:

  • Photos from the event with clear indication of whom credit should be given to
  • A Dropbox or WeTransfer link for video content that you may have shot or have available
  • Mention that high res versions are available on request

Check out for newsdesk emails and other regional press contacts.

Download our template press release if you need more of an outline of what to include.

Social media channels

You can use social media tools not only to capture the action on the day, but also to allow for those attending and those who can't to interact with the event too.

Making content to advertise your event and sharing it online is also a great way to reach a wider audience. Make sure to check out our logo and branding page for guidance on how to use the Biology Week logo.


Twitter is a great way to advertise your event, and also document the event as it develops. If you are running a debate or lecture, you can use twitter to take questions from those in the audience or those following at home.

Make sure to use the hashtag #BiologyWeek in all of your posts, so we can find your content and share via the RSB Twitter account.


Facebook is also a great way to advertise your event. You can contact admins of pages who provide news and updates suitable for your audience and they can plug your event, or you can share your event among friends and contacts more directly.

If you think your event is more suited to a wider audience, do contact us via our Facebook page too.

Video recording

Producing video content is great; video content typically performs better on social media channels and is a great way to capture more dynamically the event itself.

When considering filming your event, you can either live-stream your event from a mobile device onto Facebook and Twitter, or record, edit and release footage at a later date.


Live-streaming is a great way of increasing accessibility to your event and bringing it to a wider audience. It is particularly suitable for lectures or debates, where you don't need multiple camera shots to capture the event in its entirety. Two of the easiest ways to stream an event is via periscope on Twitter, or as a Facebook live video.

Uploading to YouTube

If you have suitable footage from your event we can potentially upload and share via the RSB YouTube channel.